PCAOB Audits & Reviews
AICPA Audits
UltraCPA’s audit methodology and the
review, supervision, consultation, documentation, and communication of audit
results prcedures encompass all phases of the design and execution of our audit
engagements. Our audit methodology including audit programs, testing templates,
tools, and reporting checklist tailored by industry and reflecting the
circumstances and complexities of each client, helps our people to execute
audit approach.
Our audit team timely report to client’s audit committee and those charge with governance on (1) critical accounting policies and practices, (2) alternative accounting treatments, and (3) other material communications between the auditor and management. Further, we have developed a client satisfaction system to gather input on the quality of the services that we make continuously improvements in our service delivery. The process generally is comprised of a series of surveys completed by senior management and audit committee of our audit clients. |